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Learn, grow, empower- Mona’s stepping stones to success

UPDATE: Mona has found her perfect role as a recruitment adviser. Mona worked in recruitment in the Sudan but has been finding it difficult to find a similar role in New Zealand. We're delighted that her hard work and persistence over the past months has finally paid off. Congratulations Mona, you deserve your success!!


Mona’s curiosity and hunger to learn prompted her to try different roles at Yes for Success (YFS). She now feels ready to apply all that she’s learnt and take on new responsibilities in her new job.

How did you hear about Yes for Success?

Ah, it has been so long since I joined, but if I recall correctly, I found out about YFS through Volunteer Wellington. I needed work experience relevant to New Zealand and YFS was recommended to me based on my interests and I grabbed the opportunity.

Why did you come to us for assistance?

I love fashion and styling and I consider myself a people person and working here allowed me to interact with diverse crowds. My goal with volunteering was to get some experience in administration since I have a background in HR.

How did we help you?

I started volunteering as a shop assistant getting some retail experience and I did that for six months before transitioning into an administration and assistant recruiter role. And with the events we run at YFS I was also able to reach out to recruiters through their career sessions.

How did our programmes meet your expectations?

Of course, yeah! I gained a lot of experience and was able to immerse myself in the culture of New Zealand, learn more about its people and get used to its systems. It was also a great way to work on my English since it isn’t my first language. It’s been so great because the people here are very friendly and helpful.

What did volunteering at Yes for Success mean to you?

I love the people here. This organisation is more than an employer. I consider them my friends. Volunteering has also helped me maintain and hone my networking skills.

Did you achieve your goals?

Yes, with the exposure I was able to get through working here and attending our many workshops, I was able to connect with other professionals in my field. I was able to learn from other professionals in HR and recruitment and that’s very important.

I also found paid employment as a retail assistant. It’s thanks to YFS that I have the skills necessary to work in full employment. Thank you.

How would you define success?

Achieving my goals! Ticking every box I have set and keep working towards it.

What’s next – have you set any other goals?

I am excited to start my career in my new role. I believe the more you learn the more you earn - not just in terms of money, but in experiences, friendships, connections and lessons. So, I plan to keep volunteering at YFS to keep learning new things and giving back to this organisation. 

What advice would you give to other people looking to make a change?

Keep learning. Take the opportunities that come your way. Stay positive and be open to the lessons it teaches you.

the lessons it teaches you.

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