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Simone McCarthy: Volunteering with Yes for Success – more than just experience

Updated: Sep 19

Simone was looking for more volunteering opportunities to round out her work experience and when she started with Yes for Success, she got far more than she had expected.

How did you hear about Yes for Success?

Through Volunteer Wellington. I was already volunteering through them.

Can you tell us why you came to us for assistance?

I wanted to get some more work experience so that I could get a full-time job. I had been working part-time, and I kept this up while volunteering for Yes for Success.

How did we help you?

I worked in the Dressed shop, in clothing management, and helped with styling sessions and at a styling event at the Wellington City Mission.


All this helped me gain experience for my CV, allowed me to be more productive, and I also had the bonus of being able to help people out.


Overall, it helped with my confidence and gave me a range of skills, plus a rewarding and satisfying experience.

How did our volunteers make you feel?

All the volunteers made me feel welcome and included. I have made a couple of good friends through the experience.

Did our programme(s) meet your expectations?

I had not really known what to expect, but had I, then my expectations would definitely have been exceeded.

What was the result; did you achieve your goal?

I did achieve my goal, yes, of getting a full-time job and I am happy with the work.

How would you define success?

Doing what is right and makes you happy, according to your own standards, and not comparing yourself with others.

What advice would you give to other people looking to make a change?

Don’t be nervous about trying something new because, who knows what it will be like, and you can always change if you do not like it.

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