Our volunteer, Grace, has spent her time here learning new skills and adding feathers to her hat. Although she didn’t know what to expect, she found herself exceeding her own expectations by continuously working on getting better every day. She now feels more ready than ever to take on more responsibilities and challenges that come her way.
How did you hear about Yes For Success?
I heard about the organisation from my mother. She had been helping me find work and volunteering roles and, one day when we were on the Terrace, we went to the hub and I signed up.
Why did you come to us for assistance?
It was about six months ago; I was looking for a job, and even though I had some experience, I felt like I didn’t have enough. I wanted to learn new skills, build up my confidence and add to my experience.
What did you hope to achieve?
I wasn’t sure what to expect when I first started. I knew this was an organisation aimed at empowering women and helping them navigate through their careers, and I thought it’d be a great place to learn new things
How did the organisation help you?
I signed up as a stylist because I am genuinely interested in fashion, but what I learned was beyond “how to put an outfit together.” I learned the particulars of clothing management and how to provide great customer service, and I feel more confident in my abilities than ever.
How did our volunteers and the work make you feel?
All the volunteers have made me feel welcomed and supported. It has been nice to come down to the office and meet new people and have conversations with them. And every time we have a successful styling, the big smiles on the faces of our clients make me feel amazing!
How did our programmes meet your expectations? What was the outcome?
The volunteering experience has met all my expectations. I have learned so many things since I’ve started. It’s been a good experience for me, learning how to work in different environments with so many different people, learning so many new skills. I feel surer in my strengths and continue to work on myself.
What changed for you?
With everything I’ve learnt and am still learning, I got a job. Networking is one of the great things I have learned through this organisation, and I am ready to put myself out there.
What’s next for you?
I don’t know what’s next. I hope to keep volunteering and learning. Volunteering at Yes for Success has given me a great excuse to get out of the house, connect with people, learn skills, and make a difference with all the good work we do here. I look forward to empowering everyone who comes to us for assistance and empowering myself, too!
What does success mean to you?
Success to me is being happy and fulfilled in where you are, who you surround yourself with, and what you’re doing. Of course, money is a thing, and it is important, but ultimately what matters is being happy and having a meaningful life.
What advice would you give people who are trying to make a change?
Talk to people; put yourself out there. Networking is a great way to make connections and get your foot in the door. I landed my job when I struck up a conversation with one of our volunteers and they mentioned this place needed staff, so I emailed them!
We thank Grace for her time and effort towards the organisation, and we wish her all the very best as she continues to navigate success. If you’d like to expand your skillset and be a part of a vibrant community of empowered individuals, check out our programmes and sign up today!